The Garden Incubator was built and is maintained with the enormous support of volunteers. If you would like to volunteer to help at the community garden, please contact us at [email protected]. You can specify what kind of help your are interested in providing. If we can't find anything for you to do at the garden, which is HIGHLY unlikely, we can probably hook you up with someone who can.
Typical volunteer jobs include: helping maintain the veggie maze, staffing tables at community events, assisting Ballard Community Center with their educational plots, website maintenance, photography, bed and compost bin construction, harvesting, event promotion, compost removal, compost and mulch delivery, lawn mowing, dirt mountain reconstruction, path maintenance and cleanup, planting, sign making, brush removal, weeding, weeding and more weeding. If you have an idea for a project or event, let us know, maybe we can partner up! |
If you are interested in getting your own, personal plot at the garden, the easiest thing to do is email [email protected]. Initial plot sign-up is always the third Saturday in March. However, we often have plots available after that or people who find that they are unable to tend to their plots and so they are up for adoption. If not, we can always get you on the list for next year. Also, there is always plenty of work to do in the Children's Discovery Zone or anywhere else in the garden. (see the Volunteer side)
G a r d e n I n c u b a t o r * 2 0 0 N . 7 t h S t r e e t , L a w r e n c e , K S 6 6 0 4 4 * g a r d e n i n c u b a t o r @ g m a i l . c o m