rules & requests
- This is a "chemical" free, organic garden. Please do not use non-organic fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides on your plot. If you are uncertain about a particular item, ask a garden coordinator.
- There are various garden plots sizes. 8x10 plots are $30, 4x8 plots are $20, 12x24 plots are $70, and 2x2 plots are $3. Payment is due when plot selection is made.
- Assignment of garden plots will be awarded first come, first served. Preference for next year’s plots will be given to this year’s participants first. Payment of garden dues is necessary before you begin gardening and should be submitted with your signed contract.
- You will be provided with a combination to the water lock and a key to the shed, please do not share the combination or make copies of the keys.
- The garden is open from dawn until dusk, seven days a week.
- Be considerate of your neighbors. Do not plant sprawling crops or tall plants that might interfere with others. Harvest only from your assigned plot.
- Each gardener is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their garden plot. Watering, weeding, harvesting and any other garden related maintenance are the responsibility of the gardener. Gardeners may arrange for other gardeners to water their plots.
- Individual fencing of plots is allowed. Please keep structures under 4 feet tall and neat.
- Crops must be harvested once they are mature. If you do not feel that you can use all of it, please let your garden coordinator know if you have more than you can use. Extra food may be donated to the Ballard Center or another organization.
- There will be three general work days that gardeners are encouraged to participate in. Dates will be determined later and posted in the shed.
- Please notify a committee member if you are not able to care for your plot. Renters of plots that have not been planted, are weedy or do not meet guidelines will be notified. Failure to respond within 2 weeks may result in plot forfeiture.
- After the first fall frost, all dead plants, weeds and stakes must be removed from the plot.
- It is requested that all gardeners volunteer their time twice during the season for general maintenance to keep the garden site looking good. The use of the site is contingent on our ability to maintain it. A sign-up sheet will be kept in the shed.
- The bulletin board is a way for all of us to stay in touch. Please use it for any garden related purposes.
- Borrowed tools should be cleaned and returned to the storage area when done. Tools should not be taken home overnight.
- Unattended watering is not permitted. Notify a garden coordinator of any leaks in the water line. Make sure all faucets are off when you leave the garden. When not in use, keep hoses by the hydrant.
- Please dispose of weeds and plant materials in designated compost areas.
- Please use trash receptacles for all debris.
- Children are encouraged in the garden, but please watch to make sure that they don’t get into other people’s plots.
- Smoking is prohibited as cigarette tobacco can transfer tobacco mosaic virus to tomato and pepper plants and poses a fire hazard.
- Please park only in designated parking areas. Do not drive vehicles over the lawn.
- Pets on the site must be on a leash per the City leash ordinance.
- If vandalism or theft occurs, notify a garden coordinator as soon as possible.
- Any conflicts between gardeners should be referred to the garden committee members.
- The Garden Incubator is a work in progress. If you have questions, concerns, complaints or comments, please contact a garden committee member.
- Garden committee members will do their best to encourage a successful gardening season by responding to requests, making themselves available to gardeners, and ensuring that water is available and garden rules are enforced fairly and equitably.
The following products should not be used in the garden:
Pressure treated lumber.
Plastic lumber made with wood fiber.
Railroad ties.
Old tires and products made from recycled tires.
Most plywood which contains adhesives.
Recycled wood if you don’t know the origin.
Old bricks with paint.
G a r d e n I n c u b a t o r * 2 0 0 N . 7 t h S t r e e t , L a w r e n c e , K S 6 6 0 4 4 * g a r d e n i n c u b a t o r @ g m a i l . c o m