Historically, the rise and fall of garden popularity in the United States had much to do with national economic and political crises. For instance, before modern food production and frozen foods, community gardens helped to feed the country during periods of recession and depression.
1890s - Potato Patches in Detroit and other cities were tended by community members as a low cost way to meet dietary needs of out-of-work and poor citizens.
1930s - Relief Gardens
1940s - Victory Gardens
1970s - Green Guerillas and Liz Christy. Urban revitalization
What is this page?
Different types of community gardens.
People who garden and why they do it.
Social Reform
Criminal reform.
Civic engagement
bring awareness to a particular problem
Cultural awareness
neighborhood beautification
This page is still under construction. Please check back or contact us at [email protected].
Different types of community gardens.
People who garden and why they do it.
Social Reform
Criminal reform.
Civic engagement
bring awareness to a particular problem
Cultural awareness
neighborhood beautification
This page is still under construction. Please check back or contact us at [email protected].
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