Who What When Where Why is the Garden Incubator?
200 N. 7th Street, Lawrence, KS 66044 or click here. WHEN
Basically the garden operates from March to October, although some people start earlier and end later. There are occasional, scheduled events. Check out the events calendar or facebook page for more info. |
Garden Incubators are people interested gardening. We are people with kids, without kids, pre-school kids, college students, retirees, caretakers, experts, novices, artists, activists, farmers, pharmacists, go-getters, food fearers, food lovers, introverts, extroverts, sharers, partiers and burnouts. Whatever. You name it. If you've come to garden, we want you. Even if you haven't come to garden, but just want to hang out. Welcome. Take a look around, just be mindful of what you harvest. Not all that grows is for you. WHAT
Established in 2012 as part of the Lawrence/Douglas County Common Ground Initiative, the Garden Incubator is a community garden, children's discovery garden and micro-farm. It has plots available for adults and families, a veggie maze, a sensory garden, strawberry patch, berry hedge, native prairie garden, dirt mountain, sometimes a cotton patch and a compost pile that just won't quit. WHY
See for yourself below! |
G a r d e n I n c u b a t o r * 2 0 0 N . 7 t h S t r e e t , L a w r e n c e , K S 6 6 0 4 4 * g a r d e n i n c u b a t o r @ g m a i l . c o m