NEWSMay 2016 - Received $500 from Volunteer Kansas to expand the compost bins!! We expect to have an event in August to get this done, just in time for the craze of plot clearing.
May 2016 - Prepare yourself for the 1st Annual STRAWBERRY JAM! April 2016 - All garden plots have been rented. Yahoo!
March 2016 - Oddly warm. People are anxious to get gardening. The Woodlawn Garden construction day was a wild success thanks to the Boy Scouts for all of their help!!
February 2016 - Cool things are in the works for the Earth Day Parade. Stay tuned!!!!
January 2016 - Preparing for the 2016 gardening season by looking at oodles and oodles of seed catalogs.
January 2016 - Guess who's getting a brand new garden? Woodlawn Elementary School, that's who!! Contact Trisha Slough if you'd like to get involved. [email protected]
December 2015 - Seeds for Change - We were awarded money for this!!!
November 2015 - Recipient of $2,000 from the Elizabeth Schultz Environmental Grant via the Douglas County Community Foundation to support the construction of a Sensory Garden.
G a r d e n I n c u b a t o r * 2 0 0 N . 7 t h S t r e e t , L a w r e n c e , K S 6 6 0 4 4 * g a r d e n i n c u b a t o r @ g m a i l . c o m